
Can I Put Lotion On My Tattoo Without Washing It

12 Things To Avoid With A Fresh Tattoo

And then you've just gotten a new tattoo! Congratulations! Your artist explained how to take care of it, and y'all feel confident that yous can handle it. Simply what are some things that you shouldn't do with a fresh tattoo? You lot've been told how to take care of information technology, only not what to avert. Read on to discover out the 12 things yous need to stay abroad from while your tattoo is healing!

#1. H2o

Plainly you can't completely avoid water, simply you should keep a few things in mind. You tin shower, and sometimes it's easier to launder your fresh tattoo while you're in there. However, you shouldn'tsoak your tattoo. You should expect at least 2 weeks earlier y'all practise.

When information technology comes to swimming, just avert information technology for at least 3-4 weeks. That chemically treated h2o in pools isn't good for a fresh tattoo, and lakes and natural bodies of water are worse! They incorporate So much leaner and stuff that you definitely don't want getting into your tattoo. These can lead to some serious infections. And then it's but best to avoid pond all together until your tattoo is completely healed.

#two. Direct Sunlight

While you can't become a hermit and stay indoors until your tattoo is healed, y'all should avoid Straight sunlight. It can cause some serious damage, such every bit bleaching and fading. If your fresh tattoo is exposed to the sun too long, information technology can even blister. The further forth in the healing procedure you are, and the scabs have all come off your tattoo, then y'all'll be okay. Call up toalways apply sunscreen, to new and old tattoos, to preclude from fading!

#3. Removing the Wrapping Likewise Early

I know, I know. You just got a your tattoo and y'all want to await at information technology! That dang bandage that the artist puts on after your session can exist annoying, simply it'south there for a reason. Your fresh tattoo is basically one giant open up wound. The wrapping that they put over it keeps whatever bacteria or airborne particles from getting into information technology.

How long should you keep it on? Well, heed to your artist. Some will tell yous 2 hours, some will tell you overnight. Your artist knows what he/she is talking near, and then it'south best to just listen to what they suggest and stick to that!

#4. Rewrapping

Once you lot've removed the wrapping on your fresh tattoo, keep it off! It'south time to permit the healing process begin and allow your tattoo breathe. If you rewrap it, y'all'll be trapping in moisture, which leads to leaner growth, which leads to infection. And that's theconcluding thing you want! Then allow that tattoo fly free in wind!

#v. Besides Much Sweating

We all sweat; information technology'southward merely part of beingness man. But you lot shouldn't put yourself in a situation where you'll sweat more than than normal, similar intense workouts, or somewhere outdoors where it's particularly hot (plus remember #ii??). Similar previously stated, excessive wet isn't practiced for a fresh and healing tattoo, so information technology should be avoided as much as possible for the commencement few weeks.

#6 & #7. Picking Scabs & Medicated Ointments

Yous shouldn't pick scabs no matter what kind of wound you take, but yous actually shouldn't pick the ones that form on your fresh tattoo. Every bit your tattoo heals, some light scabbing volition occur. This is totally normal. The scabbed parts fall off on their own, so you'll run into little colored bits here and in that location, particularly when you launder your tattoo. If you selection them off, it won't speed up the healing process and can actually slow it down. Non just that, but you lot're risking infection, as well!

What do you lot unremarkably employ to a cut or wound? Neosporin, or some kind of medicated ointment, because duh, you want information technology to heal. And your fresh tattoo is essentially ane big wound, right? It only make sense to apply something like that to it! WRONG! These medicated ointments do their jobs TOO well and your tattoo can heal too quickly. There'due south too zinc in medicated ointments, which tin can take the ink out of your peel, and make your tattoo fade! I speak from personal experience, so just put the Neosporin down and back away slowly. Stick to something like H2Ocean tattoo ointment or A&D! And remember, only a very sparse layer is needed for the outset 3 days, then you lot can switch to a nonscented balm.

#8. Shaving

Listen up ladies, we alive in a time where if someone looks at y'all weird for having body pilus, you can tell them off. Eff those backwards beauty standards! At least, simply for about a month until your tattoo heals! If you go a tattoo on a trunk role that you'd unremarkably shave, like your legs, yous'll demand to await to shave. Taking a razor over a healing tattoo is definitely not a good idea. Not only are you scraping over a fresh wound, you could pull off any healing scabs (and we don't want that! Remember #6??). Then if you need to be smooth equally a baby'south bottom for an upcoming special occasion, keep that in listen before getting a tattoo!

#9. Scented Soaps

Save the fancy scented soaps for your business firm guests, and avoid using it on your fresh tattoo. The fragrance, no matter how light, can irritate the sensitive surface area of your tattoo. The best thing to use is an unscented, antibacterial soap for the first few weeks. You lot should wash it twice a day, once in the morning and one time a nighttime, and no more than than that. If you launder it Too much, you can dry out your tattoo.

#10. Tight Fitting Vesture

At present I'm not saying get nude, only avoid the overly tight clothes over your fresh tattoo as much as possible! A tattoo needs to exhale and go air, and information technology tin't practice that if you're smothering it with skinny jeans. There'due south also the fact that depending on the type of cloth, tight clothes tin make you sweat, and as we've covered excessive sweating and moisture is what? That'south right,bad. So opt for something flowy and etherial for the starting time few weeks instead! Your tattoo will exist happy and you'll look like a God or Goddess. Win/win!

#11 & #12. Scratching & Over Moisturizing

If you ask anyone who has a tattoo what the worst part of healing is, they'll probably tell yous the itching. You lot mustresist the urge! Scratching an itch that only won't get away is so satisfying, but trust me on this, information technology won't be this time. You tin can scratch off those scabs too soon! Plus who knows what bacteria is lurking nether your fingernails!

Moisturizing your healing tattoo is a vital step in the healing procedure, but you tin can easilyover moisturize it. As we've covered, too much moisture on a tattoo is bad. It can harbor and grow bacteria, and leaner leads to infections. All you need is athin layer of moisturizer two-3 times a day. If y'all wash your tattoo before applying moisturizer, be sure to let your tattoo drycompletely before putting information technology on, because the balm can trap the moisture in. And so just go easy and light with the balm, and you lot'll be proficient to go!

Happy Healing!

Tattoo past Nick (Modesto Location)

So there yous accept it! Y'all can handle these 12 things to avoid, correct? If you do, you'll come out the other side of healing with a beautiful tattoo that volition last y'all years and years!


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